Hurley Byrd Heavy Duty Deer Feeders
Our BIGGEST, Best and Most Rugged Deer Feeder of Them All.
The Hurley Byrd Heavy Duty Deer Feeder (HDDF) is in a class all unto itself.
For those of you needing capacity and ruggedness, this professional level feeder is for you.
The HDDF is for wildlife enthusiasts who require a feeder that will stand up to high
capacity feeding. If your situation calls for long periods of time between fillings or
the requirement of large feed quantities to sate many, we got you covered.
When the situation envolves pushy deer and rowdy bucks at your feeding station or when
you have ample racoon wrestling events atop your feeders, the HDDF's strength has you covered.
HDDF Capacities:
Extra Large with 36" Twin Trough - 50lbs+++
Ultra Large with 48" Twin Trough (shown below) - 70lbs+++
Magnum with 60" Twin Trough - 90lbs+++
What does the "+++" mean? These feeders have their troughs mounted side by side and can easily be
"OVERFILLED" into one heaping mound which will actually add another 50% of capacity. Expect the ExtraLarge to
hold as much as 75 pounds of feed, the UL and Magnum 105 and 135 pounds respectively.
For people who live in high deer population areas or already have established feeding
stations, the Hurley-Byrd Heavy Duty feeders are a must. These feeders will allow for longer times
between filling and will hold your deer far better than one small feeder going empty often.
Hurley-Byrd Offers 3 Sizes.
Which one did I need?
Hurley-Byrd Heavy Duty Deer Feeders come in capacities from 50
to 135 pounds. A feeder with 50 pounds of capacity may sound like a lot,
especially to the bird feeding community. But, 50 pounds of whole shell
corn can be eaten in an evening by a large sized family.
Although this is a possibility, it's typically not the norm. Most of
our customers state 50 pounds will last about three days. We agree.
Keep in mind, you can always put 40 pounds of feed in a
70 pound capacity feeder but never 135 pounds in the same
70 pound feeder. If you have concerns about the capacity
being too little, opt for the next larger and use its versatility.
Secondly, it is ALWAYS better to spread your deer
feeding station across two feeders instead of one large.
Deer have a hierarchy that is rigorously maintained and
one feeder can be dominated by one or two deer while
the others wait. A number of feeders spread across your property will allow the less dominant deer to enjoy
your feed offering and discourage aggressive action (fighting). The HDDF makes a perfect pinnacle feeder
within a feeding station and smaller Standard DF's or even large CDF's can be used as satellites.
Beautiful Feeders of Sound Design and Quality Built Along with Easy Assembly
Like all Hurley-Byrd feeders, each of our products is completely
then assembled with ceramic coated steel screws. No cheap nails, brads, glues, Etc...
which is not just wiped on. Each component is completely submerged in a large vat
filled with finish, allowed to soak and finally hand rubbed to work it deep into the
wood's fibers. This produces a feeder like no other and when you set up
a Hurley-Byrd feeder you will know you are using the finest possible.
Flat Bottom Trough Design
All Heavy Duty Deer Feeders utilize our flat bottom troughs. They offer far
better strength and easier feed consumption. The 45 degree angles of a twin trough set-up will guide
your feed offering from the center, where the troughs meet, toward the outside. This will help keep your
deer from pushing against the feeder to gain access to the last small portions
remaining in the feeder's center. Happy Critters, Less Abused Feeders.
Very Stable Yet Easy to Move
Due to the HDDF's nice wide base
its low 24" height, it will remain standing even in
heavy winds. Since it is not spiked to the ground, like
be picked up and moved for simpler lawn
maintenance or deer management.
Assembly - No Tools Required
Many of our new deer feeders now come in
a No-Tools-Required design for quick and easy
assembly. In the past, free standing models
required tools to finish the set up. No more.
The Hurley Byrd Heavy Duty Deer Feeder is
no exception, even with the Heavy Duty Bracing Kit.
The whole feeder is assembled (and disassembled
when desired) using carriage bolts, washers and wingnuts.
The HDDF along with its Bracing Kit will take about
20 minutes to assemble..... if you take your time.
All are very simple to assemble and of course
we provide appropriate assembly instructions.
You will find it amazingly easy to assemble.
What's in the box when it arrives?
You will receive two completely assembled troughs, the components to assemble 2 legs,
an appropriately sized Bracing Kit (if ordered) and hardware for a complete feeder.
Of course, proper set up and usage instructions are provided.
View an Extremely
Successful Deer
Feeding Station.
30+ photos, including world class Mule Deer and an Elk the
size of a house..........
...............well almost.
A must see photo set.
Each Heavy Duty Deer Feeder comes with
easy to assemble hardware consisting of
carriage bolts, washers and wingnuts.
Photo shows the Hurley-Byrd Heavy Duty, Ultra Large
Twin Trough Feeder in Cedar with Optional Bracing Kit installed.
The new FFY Lumber feeders are the strongest wood feeders you can obtain!!!
Heavy Duty Bracing. What and Why?
Our Heavy Duty Bracing Kit maximize the feeder's strength and stability allowing
you to really amp up the feeder's capacity and still prepare it for real world animal abuse.
When your deer get a bit rambunctious, or downright aggressive with one another, the
feeder will be better prepared for the bumping and banging to follow.
Now lets talk Raccoons. Although many don't always appreciate their visits, (yet some do, ourselves included)
their visits can become a reality. A whole family of fat Raccoons can tip the scales upwards of 160 pounds. When they
climb upon and decide to wrestle with each other, a lot of stress can be placed on a feeder.
The Bracing Kit will add a great deal of longevity to your feeder.
We Highly Recommend Adding a Bracing Kit to Your Feeder's Order
Bracing Kits:
Each Bracing Kit consists of the two crossmembers and
their respective vertical attachments as shown here.
Its installation is very simple and straight forward.
Ordering Information for Your New Heavy Duty Deer Feeders
To order: Use the dropdown menu below and pick your desired feeder size.
You will notice we offer quantity discounts for each size along with discounted shipping.
Multiple discount priced feeders may have their components shipped together. As an example: all troughs may be shipped in one box. This allows us to offer you these reduced prices.
If you are ordering HDDFs as gifts or ordering with friends or family...... place one feeder in your shopping cart and change the quantity you need there. We will then ship each feeder in its own box with its own assembly
instructions and warranty registration information.
If you would like multiple feeders of various sizes, please write or call us and we will
provide you with the appropriate quantity discount across all feeders.
Delivery time: If we have your feeders in stock, they will ship the next day. Generally though,
we build your feeders especially for you and require between 3-5 business days to do so correctly.
As always........ feel free to call 877-363-0199 and we will gladly assist you personally.
For the Free Bracing Kit Sale.... DO NOT Add a Bracing Kit to your cart. We will do so automatically.
Only add Bracing Kits to your cart if you are purchasing one for a previous bought HDDF.
Thanks to LC of NC for the great photo.
An Extra Large Twin Trough HDDF in PWL
New for 2019
Amazingly Gorgeous Appalachain Mountain Lumbers
We will craft your feeders with our choice of Appalachain Mountain Lumber from
our FFY Program. Your feeder will be absolutely unique to you and gorgeous.
Pre Holiday Season Big Buck Sale
Order any HDDF, save 20% and
Received a Free Bracing Kit
Cold Weather in HERE Sale
Order any HDDF
Save 20%........ AND.....
Receive a Free Bracing Kit
Help Your Deer Offer
Save 20% on all HDDFs AND
Receive a Free Bracing Kit
Order Yours Today.
462 Williams Crossroads Way
Fairmont, West Virginia 26554
Phone: 877-363-0199 M-F 10-8 EST
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Give the Gift of Wild Deer Feeders: When you send deer feeders you send two gifts: the feeders themselves, and the moment they arrive. There's the knock at the door or the package on the porch. And the next thing that happens is your special someone's heart jumps with delight as they open a gift they will remember for years to come.
Feeder Delivery: At Hurley-Byrd, we do things differently and oversee each part of the process: from the buying of raw materials, to handcrafting the feeder, to the day your purchase arrives at the front door. We send freshly crafted feeders direct and bypass all the middlemen, which means better feeders and a better value. (Don't just take our word for it. Thousands of customers rate Hurley-Byrd wildlife feeders a "best value.") We believe in complete satisfaction and lasting value, too, which is why we guarantee a perfect feeder for you or your recipient , and also that your feeders will outlast all others available and will be enjoyed from the moment they arrive and for years to come. It's all part of how Hurley-Byrd is changing how America feeds their wildlife.
Hurley-Byrd Does it Differently: We handcraft each and every feeder we sell. Beginning with our own designs, buying the finest western red cedar and crafting your feeders to near perfection with a beautiful penetrating oil finish so they last for years. We take pride in every step of our service. From the moment you first interact with us, whether on our website or on the phone, to the delivery of your feeders and gifts and everything in between. We want to make owning and gift giving easy for you. So whether it's a simple thank you, a unique deer feeder or a whole feeding station, choose Hurley-Byrd and see what a difference our feeders really make.
All Rights within this web site and its related products are Copyrighted and Reserved by:
Hurley-Byrd, LLC
462 Williams Crossroads Way
Fairmont, West Virginia 26554
Toll free: 877-363-0199
© 2002 - 2020
As of January 2020
UPS & FedEx have added an overweight surcharge of $30 on packages weighing more than 50 pounds.
Each HB HDDF's weighs more than 50 pounds and will carry this surcharge within the shipping
cost calculator.
Now Through to the Weekend
Hurley Byrd will cover
this Overwieght Charge
Order Your Feeders Today.